Breaking Down Common Home Care Myths

Myths vs. the Facts about In-Home Care - Ella Home Care

Home care refers to a type of nursing care service that is provided in the living quarters of the patient. The recipients of this type of care ranges from aged people, chronically ill, recovering from surgery, or disabled. Unfortunately, there are many myths surrounding this type of care even though these care services are readily available. 

MYTH #1: Home Care Is For People Who Are Chronically Ill

There is a popular misconception that home care is only intended for patients who require an exceptionally high level of care, such as help for a serious condition on a 24/7 rotation. The truth is home care is versatile and flexible for anyone who needs some support. The majority of home care clients utilize the service mostly for maintaining their lifestyles because home care is not exclusively limited to complex medical needs. The scope of these services are wide and the requirements to fulfil them can be discussed before.

MYTH #2: Home Care Is Too Expensive.

While there are many clients who are interested in starting with home care, they rule it out under the impression that it’s going to be too expensive. In practice however home care is one of the most affordable and convenient types of long-term care available. 

Over the years, home care has shown proof it is often substantially less expensive when compared to institutionalized care options, such as assisted living and nursing home facilities. With home care, your senior loved one is able to age in place, avoiding the expenses and time associated with hiring movers, selling their current property, and so on. 

MYTH #3: Home Care Takes Away a Senior’s Independence.

There is a misconception that working for an in-house caregiver takes away the freedom of an older person. Growing older will bring some drastic changes, and many older adults are worried that their personal freedoms will be limited by home care.

Keep in mind that home care is not about holding back seniors. Home care treatment is intended to provide the elderly with just the amount of support and care they need on a flexible schedule that fits their lifestyle with the intention to inspire a senior to live life to the fullest, and to lead an enriched and active life.

MYTH #4: My Loved One Will Only Be Comfortable With a Family Caregiver.

A hard truth comes in in line with caring for your loved ones. You may not be the most equipped caregiver when it comes to in-home care. Doing so will likely require a lot of time sacrificed for other matters you need to attend to in your own personal life.

While the transition from family caregiving to home care can be daunting, it is often hugely beneficial in the end. While you may be concerned about how your loved one will get along with a stranger, it is simply a matter of time for them both to get to know each other and establishing a new relationship to a new face in the household. By introducing a caregiver, you allow your loved one to benefit from expert care and be able to enjoy quality time and maintain your relationship with your loved one without the stresses of being a caregiver.

MYTH #5: Home Care Is Not As Good As A Nursing Home

Choosing between a nursing home and your own home care is a personal choice, but does not necessarily affect the quality of service. Caregivers are trained to provide the same service as those employed at a nursing home, but in the comfort of your own home and according to the client’s schedule and convenience. This lets seniors keep their familiar surroundings and still receive professional, full-time care.

MYTH #6: It’s Embarrassing to Need Caregiving Help.

Clients are often reluctant to reach out for support because they think that doing so is a sign of weakness, or an indicator that they have failed their loved ones

There is no shame in understanding the limits and knowing when to ask for help. While it’s important to take care of others, but taking care of yourself should also take priority. In-home care can be a versatile, inexpensive choice that helps to provide the support you need for your loved one, while allowing you to take some time off for your own health and well-being.


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