
Managing Urinary Incontinence

Cartoon Incontinence - Virginia Beach OBGYN

Urinary incontinence is defined as unintentional leakage of urine in an adult. In the case for seniors, it is a serious implication and requires comprehensive and holistic approach to tackle it. Managing incontinence is critical for seniors to maintain their independence and overall emotional, psychological and social life. While many statistics worldwide have proven that seniors have the highest rates of incontinence, it is still a treatable condition.

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Diabetes In Seniors

How To Control Diabetes - Foods, Diet, Blood Testing & Motivation

Diabetes is a dangerous disease that runs rampant among the senior population. It’s recorded that at least sixty-five percent of all people with diabetes will die due to complications that develop in organs and tissues in the body over a long period of time of having the disease.

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Dementia in Elderly Patients

The Dementia darnings by Jenny Dutton | Memory artwork, Collage ...

When a loved one begins to show signs of diminishing cognitive and emotional functions, it is usually a sign of dementia. According to statistics, someone in the world develops dementia every 3 seconds. It is estimated that over 75 million people worldwide will fall victim to this condition, which is one of the major causes of disability and dependency among older peoples. It can be quite demanding not only for the people who contract dementia but also for their loved ones.

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How Are Older People Surviving The COVID-19 Pandemic?

How the fatality rate of Coronavirus changes with age | World ...

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many reports and studies have proven that the severity of the COVID-19 virus rises with age. For both physical and social reasons, elders are more likely to be stuck put in institutionalized settings for their personal safeties. However, debates and discussions on how various countries are handling their elderly citizens in the wake of the virus continue to flurry.

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Geriatric Diet – Maintaining a Balance (Part 3)

Tipping the Balance toward Moderation – Kerry Health And Nutrition ...

Sufficient nutrition and a balanced diet can do wonders in keeping the elderly healthy. But eating ‘healthy’ is easier said than done. Keeping a balanced diet that meets all the recommended nutritional criteria may be daunting if one is unaware how to properly balance the essentials in a diet to match their ageing selves.

This article offers some tips for maintaining a healthy geriatric diet.  

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Geriatric Diet – Vitamins and Minerals (Part 2)

Vitamins and Minerals Fact Sheets — International Food Information ...

A well-balanced diet comprises major nutrients from a variety of food sources. Vitamins and minerals on the other hand, which form part of the nutrients are only required in small portions by the body. Nevertheless, they are important in  maintaining the immune system, healing injuries, and regulating metabolism in the body. This is particularly important amongst the elderly as they are unable to produce nor absorb nutrients as effectively.

This article focuses on the importance of vitamins and minerals as well as the food sources.  

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Geriatric Diet – Nutrients (Part 1)

Elderly Nutrition 101: 10 Foods To Keep You Healthy -

When our bodies get older, we begin to experience a variety of changes due to nutrient deficiencies, decreased quality of life and poor health. This is due to the decline of one’s lean body mass and basal metabolism, which in turn causes a reduction in energy requirements. Although this is a natural process of ageing, there is an inherent risk of one become susceptible to loss in appetite and that could lead to malnutrition. This in turn could lead to more complications to the ageing body.

Hence, it is important to monitor the dietary intake of the elderly. This article focuses on the essential nutrients to stay healthy, not only for the geriatrics but also the general populous.

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Common Health Issues Amongst the Elderly (Part 2)

Five Tips for Managing Senior Stress (and Why It's Important ...

As one ages, the probability of physical limitations increases as well from our vision, hearing, energy levels, and immune systems begin to deteriorate slowly, and it also leads to a further reduction in one’s mobility and ability in everyday life to function independently as we become increasingly at risk for diseases.

The article is a follow up of the previous article under the similar title where it shows several diseases that the elderly may experience as they age.

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Common Health Issues Amongst the Elderly (Part 1)

Elderly woman suffering from migraine | Free Photo

Aging is a progressive, gradual cycle of biological change starting in early adulthood, which results over time from the body’s impact of accumulating a wide range of molecular and cellular damage, and as a result bodily functions will start to decline slowly, particularly after one has reached their middle age period. This results in a steady deterioration in physical and mental capacity, increased risk of illness, and eventually death.

This article then discusses some of the more common risks of illnesses and diseases associated with ageing.   

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